Les Ptits Pirates Unique seafood flavors

The main objective for the creation of this range is the production, processing and trading of high quality delicatessen seafood.
Les Ptits Pirates main products are seafood delicacies made from raw material like mackerel (scomber scombrus), herring (clupea harrengus),), bonito (sarda sarda), octopus e.t.c.
Main criteria for the selection of the raw material ,is the quality specifications that Les Ptis Pirates has adapted cause of its high technical knowledge, combined with the demands of the EU and Worldwide law.
In order to guarantee you the best possible experience, we have selected fish of the highest quality from different regions, and we've used traditional smoking and marinating processes, resulting in unique taste characteristics for the most discerning palates.
About the products
By using organic ingredients in our recipes, we try to stay true to our mission of healthy, eco-friendly ali- mentation and respectful of the environment.
In so doing we enable all those who adhere to the same values to enjoy this new range of products that can accompany any meal.
We welcome you on board to embark with LES P'TITS PIRATES to new gustatory destinations.
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Working hours
Monday -Friday09.00 - 17.00